Dallin Kay
 · Director of Education

Bento and Texture Creative Challenge

Your challenge is to create a bento box style design about anything you want! Something real, something fake, an event, a product, a person or group, a game or movie, whatever! However, you must creatively incorporate texture to increase your design's visual interest. You can organize and layout the grid of your bento box however you see fit, but your design must at least include the following elements:

  • A landing page with texture usage, a title or logo, and a button/CTA that leads users to the bento box page

  • A page featuring a bento box style grid layout with at least five tiles

  • A header or icon for each grid tile

  • A hover or click state for each grid tile that reveals more information about the associated header or icon

  • At least three unique applications of texture (masking them in some of your grid tiles might be a good idea...)

Remember, texture breathes life into your design! So, be judicious with your texture selections. Pick textures that portray your message in a way that only texture can. For a refresher on using texture in design, you can view the webinar recording here (starting at the 38:05 mark).

If you need some bento box inspiration, check out bentogrids.com or godly.websites for some great examples!

Feel free to start from a blank canvas or use the Ceros Welcome Box template, just keep in mind the template will definitely need some adjusting to meet the challenge requirements.

You'll have until March 7th to complete this challenge, when we hold our next Creative Challenge webinar, during which we'll celebrate everyone's submissions and hand out the Bento and Texture Badge to those who complete the challenge. Good luck, have fun, and take risks!

Bento and Texture Badge
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