Lianna Doley
 · Community @ Ceros

Editing Hidden Content

In Editor, you can freely engage with your experience in full-screen or in the mini-preview. Your experience may even have content hidden behind interactive moments, such as popups, hovers, or even timed on view. You can still modify these elements using Editor’s pause feature and apply your updates–all without having to shuffle through a layers panel!

Editing content revealed On Hover

  1. In Editor, toggle to preview mode

  2. Interact with the mini-preview window (ie Hovering)

  3. Once the new object appears, tap the spacebar to pause the experience at that exact moment

    1. This will allow you to edit the hidden content in Editor

  4. Resume by clicking the play button in the mini-preview to continue editing your project

Editing an On-View Asset 

  1. In Editor, toggle to preview mode 

  2. Wait until the asset you’d like to edit comes into view

  3. Tap the spacebar to pause the experience at that exact moment

    1. This will allow you to edit the hidden content in Editor

  4. Resume by clicking the play button in the mini-preview to continue editing your project

Learn about Showing and Hiding Content in Editor here.