Adrian Javier
 · Pun Enthusiast

Navigating to Other Pages in Your Experience

Studio has built-in actions to help you link to other pages in your experience or even create a custom navigation menu. Here’s how to do it.

  • Select the hotspot you want users to click on. This can be any object on the canvas that isn’t already interactive (like videos).

  • Open the Interactions Tab on the Inspector Panel.

  • Choose the On Click trigger and one of the Go to Page actions. You can set it to the next page, previous page or a specific page number.

  • Double click on the hotspot in the layers panel and give it a brief but descriptive name. This will be displayed in your analytics, so be sure it’s both unique and easy to identify.

Looking for how to set up a menu bar? Be sure to check out our Designer Course on how to Create a Menu Bar.