Travis Bobier
 · Professional Nerd

Team Set up - Members & Guests

In, collaboration involves two user types: Team Members and Guests. The kind of project you’re working on and your communication method will determine the user type for each collaborator. Whether working with a tight-knit team or inviting external contributors, offers flexible options to meet all your collaboration needs.

Assign Team Member access to teammates who should have full access to all content within the Workspace, including all Folders and MarkUps.

Team Member access can be any of the following roles: 

  • Owner: The person who created the Workspace. They have the highest level of access and can edit or delete the Workspace at any time. They can also invite new users, create Folders, and add Workspaces.

  • Admin: Admins have the same level of access as an Owner and are granted this access by the Workspace Owner. However, they are unable to delete the Workspace.

  • Member: Members are collaborators that can create MarkUps and invite others as Guests. They are also able to create and organize Folders.

You can invite a Guest user if you are working with an external client or other stakeholders who need to leave feedback but won’t generally need full Workspace access in the future.

Inviting collaborators is simple, as you can limit people's access to Folders or even individual MarkUps.

To invite a Team Member:

For access to the Workspace, including all Folders & MarkUps

  1. Go to the ‘Team’ tab on the left-hand side of your Workspace. 

  2. Click ‘Invite’ in the top right-hand corner. 

  3. Add the email addresses of the individuals you want to invite. 


  1. Go to the main Workspace and click ‘Invite’ in the top right-hand corner. 

  2. Add the email addresses of the individuals you want to invite. 

To invite a Guest User:

This will only allow the individual access to the specific Folder or MarkUp you invite them to

Inviting a Guest to a Folder 

  1. Within the Folder, click the three dots on the right-hand side and click ‘Share Folder’. 

  2. Either add the email addresses of individuals you want to share with or copy the share link and send it to them. You can disable access to the MarkUp in the future if you use the share link.


  1. Go to the main Workspace and hover over the Folder you want to share.

  2. Click ‘Share’. 

  3. Either add the email addresses of individuals you want to share with or copy the share link and send it to them. You can disable access to the MarkUp in the future if you use the share link.

Inviting a Guest to a MarkUp:

This will only allow the individual access to the particular MarkUp you have shared, and you can do this a few different ways 

  • Copy the website URL of the MarkUp you’re in. 

  • Click ‘Share’ down the bottom right-hand corner while in the MarkUp, and add either the Guest’s email address or copy and paste the share link. 

  • From the main Workspace or Folder the MarkUp is in, hover over the MarkUp and click ‘Share’.

  • Add either the Guest’s email address or copy and paste the share link to send it to them.

You can manage who has access to your Workspace via the Team tab in future and remove any users that no longer require access!