Travis Bobier
 · Professional Nerd

Ceros & TransPerfect Partnership: Expanding Global Reach through Localized Content

We're excited to announce our new partnership with TransPerfect (also known as or Global Link), the world's largest provider of language technology solutions. This partnership offers Ceros customers the option to purchase end-to-end translation services for your Ceros experiences on a per-project model with no work or commitment required on your end. 

Understanding the value of this partnership

​​The Ceros-TransPerfect partnership is all about enabling your business to break down language barriers and improving your ability to engage with different markets and cultures. By providing localized content that resonates with your target audience, no matter where they are in the world, we're helping you expand your global reach and enhance engagement among your international customers.

How does the managed service work? 

We've designed our partnership with TransPerfect to be seamless and hassle-free for you. The translation process is managed by our expert agency team on a per-project basis.

Here’s how it works: 

  1. Fill out the Translations Request Form to start the project

    • You’ll specify how many languages you need to support, what kind of translation model you’d like to use, and any additional features you want to add 

  2. Upon receipt of your request, Ceros will provide a scope of work for your review

    • SOWs will include turnaround times and feedback deadlines

  3. Work will begin using either Human & Machine translation options

    • Human translation will include post-translation edits to the experience to ensure all text fits properly on the page

  4. Once complete, you can launch and distribute your content the same way you always have as one single Ceros experience containing multiple language variants 

    • We’ll show you how to push a specific language if needed for regional sites

    • You’ll have the option to include future updates to your content as well 

Partnership Details

The pricing of the translation service depends on the number of languages you need to support and the translation model you choose (Human vs Machine). If you’re interested in learning more, please reach out to your Ceros team or [email protected]