Lianna Doley
 · Community @ Ceros

Copy and Paste from External Sources

You may be a frequent user of copy and paste in the Studio, but did you know that you can copy and paste assets from external sources right into Studio? That’s right- gone are the days when it takes more than two steps to import elements into the Studio. Just find the asset you want to bring into your Studio experience, and simply copy and paste.

Here’s how:

  1. Locate the asset that you want to bring into the Studio. This can be on your desktop, browser, or other various platforms (see full list below).

  2. On Mac: Command+C to copy an asset, and Command+V on your canvas in the Studio to paste.
    On PC: Control+C to copy an asset, and Control+V on your canvas in the Studio to paste.

Where can I copy from?

You can copy from a variety of sources and paste the assets into Ceros. Assets pasted from the following will be pasted as a PNG file: 

  • Your desktop 

  • Browser 

  • Photoshop* 

  • Adobe XD 

  • Invision 

  • Sketch 

  • Keynote 

  • PDF

Assets pasted from the following will be pasted as an SVG file: 

  • Illustrator** 

Additionally, you can copy and paste text directly onto your canvas from any external source, without having to first create a text box on the canvas.

*Please note: When copying assets from Photoshop, users must use a keyboard shortcut to ensure the asset is selected before using copy and paste shortcut. On Mac: Press Command + A to select the asset, before copying and pasting. On PC: Press Ctrl + A to select the asset before copy and paste.

**Please note: When copying a placed asset from Illustrator, the asset should be embedded and not linked.

If you’d like to bring in more than one asset at a time, consider importing your entire design file into Ceros to start, rather than starting from a blank canvas.