Dallin Kay
ย ยทย Director of Education

Artist of the Month

Let's say you're a Social Media Manager at the popular music streaming service Beam. You've been running a successful campaign to get listeners to broaden their music taste by highlighting an Artist of the Month. Each month, you create an experience in Editor using a template that your creative team designed for you. The experience highlights your selected artist and includes images and information for listeners to learn and enjoy.

For this Creative Challenge, you need to use this Artist of the Month template in Editor to create a spotlight for your favorite musical artist (it can be real or made up). Use Editor to update the template's text, colors, and images. Your experience should at least include the following:

  • The current month

  • The name of the artist

  • Cover art of the artist or one of their albums

  • A short artist bio (on the second page of the experience)

  • A list of their top 5 tracks (on the second page of the experience)

  • A couple of extra images that portray the artist (on the second page of the experience)

You may add more if you'd like, just make sure you check off the above requirements! Once finished, publish your experience and post its live URL in a comment below. You'll have until February 1st to complete this Creative Challenge. On the 1st, we'll review and discuss your submissions in our monthly Creative Challenge webinar before kicking off the next one.

Remember the Creative Challenges are collaborative, so if you have questions or are looking for feedback, feel free to ask in a comment below!

As an achievement for completing this challenge, you'll receive the Artist of the Month Badge displayed as a part of your Educate community profile.

Artist of the Month Community Badge
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