Travis Bobier
 · Professional Nerd

Building Your Creative Process Workflow

Collaboration is the key to success in any project, but managing feedback and revisions can be a challenge. That's where comes in – a powerful tool that streamlines the feedback process and makes collaboration easier than ever.

In this guide, we'll show you how to use to streamline your feedback process and improve collaboration with your team.

No matter your level of experience with, this guide will help you improve your collaboration skills and get the most out of the tool.

To help you get started, we've created a sample workflow that demonstrates how to incorporate into your creative process.

1. Initial Meeting and Project Briefing:

This stage involves organizing a call or meeting with the client/team/stakeholders to understand the project requirements, goals, and vision. This stage is important as it establishes clear communication, understanding, and alignment between the creative team and the key stakeholders regarding project goals, expectations, and deliverables.

To begin the initial meeting and project briefing stage, follow these steps: 

  1. Start by introducing the project and its objectives with your key stakeholders (clients, project managers etc.). 

  2. Review the project scope, budget, timelines, and deadlines. 

  3. Discuss the roles and responsibilities of each team member. 

  4. Ensure that everyone understands the project expectations. 

  5. Ask for questions and feedback.

Our top tips:

2. Research and Concept Development:

This stage involves gathering information and generating initial ideas for the project. This is crucial for gathering valuable insights and generating innovative ideas that will form the foundation of the creative project, ensuring its relevance and effectiveness.

To begin the research and concept development stage, follow these steps:

  1. Conduct research on the client's industry, target audience, and competitors.

  2. Ask clients to provide their own examples of what kind of designs they’re looking for to best understand their style.

  3. Gather inspiration from various sources like mood boards, design galleries, and relevant trends.

  4. Brainstorm and sketch out initial concepts and ideas based on the gathered information.

Our top tips:

  • Utilize for internal feedback. Use to gather any internal comments/feedback on the initial concept(s) before presenting to the key stakeholders.

  • Set up reporting metrics. Try setting up a Zap for adding new comments to a Google Sheet. This makes it easy to export and report on data from, making billing for work or reporting to your boss easier than ever!

3. Proposal and Agreement:

This stage involves finalizing the terms of the project. This is important as it outlines the scope, timeline, and budget, establishing a formal agreement. This agreement protects both the creative team and the client while setting clear expectations for all parties involved.

To begin the proposal and agreement stage, follow these steps:

  1. Prepare a detailed proposal that outlines the project deliverables, timeline, and cost.

  2. Present the proposal to the client and address any questions or concerns they may have.

  3. Once both parties agree on the terms, sign a contract or agreement to formalize the partnership.

Our top tips:

  • Upload the final agreed proposal to For future reference and revisions.

4. Design and Iteration:

This stage involves creating initial design drafts and gathering feedback for improvement. This is essential for translating ideas into tangible visual concepts, allowing for feedback, refinement, and multiple iterations to ensure the final design meets the desired aesthetic and functional requirements.

To begin the design and iteration stage, follow these steps:

  1. Start creating the initial design drafts based on the agreed-upon concept.

  2. Share the initial drafts with the internal team via and gather their feedback and suggestions.

  3. Iterate on the designs, incorporating the team's feedback while staying on track.

Our top tips:

  • Create an ‘internal’ MarkUp. For your team members to use so they can provide feedback/suggestions before you present it to the key stakeholders.

  • Consider your communication tools. Do you have a preferred way of being notified? Email, Slack, Teams? Use our native email, Slack or Teams (coming soon!) notifications or our Zapier integration to get notified in the channel most suited to you.

  • Download the Chrome Extension. This gives you the best experience, including speedy screenshots and the ability to create a Website MarkUp directly from the website in your browser!

5. Review and Revision:

This stage involves presenting your designs to the client and refining them based on feedback. This is’s time to shine - keep all your feedback and revisions in one place and enhance the overall quality and alignment with the key stakeholders vision and objectives.

To begin the review and revision stage, follow these steps:

  1. Present the designs to the client for their initial review and feedback.

  2. Collaborate with key stakeholders (clients, internal project managers, etc.) to refine and improve the designs until they meet their expectations.

  3. Keep an open line of communication to address any concerns promptly.

Our top tips:

  • Use naming conventions. When working on different versions of a project, update the title of the MarkUp/Folder/Workspace so everyone is on the same page and working on the most up-to-date version!

    • For example the first iteration of a project could be “[Project name] (V1)” or when a project is finalised and complete it could be “[Project name] Final” to let everyone know they are on the right version!

  • Share our Guest user best practices. When sharing the MarkUp link, include our Guest user article to ensure they understand how to use and can provide feedback efficiently.

  • Use our Loom integration. To give extra context to your comments, record a quick video of yourself and your screen to give crystal-clear feedback!

6. Finalization and Approval:

This stage involves preparing the designs for presentation and getting approval. This stage marks the culmination of the creative process, where the review is completed, final feedback is provided, approval is granted, ensuring that all aspects of the project meet the key stakeholders expectations before moving forward.

To begin the finalization and approval stage, follow these steps:

  1. Prepare the final versions for presentation.

  2. Ensure that all design elements are polished, consistent, and meet the technical specifications.

  3. Share the final designs with the key stakeholders for their approval.

Our top tips:

  • Do a final check of feedback. Once the client is satisfied with the designs, run through all the comments one last time and then prepare the final versions for presentation.

  • Create an approval process workflow. Check out our blog to create a review and approval process to ensure this gets done as quickly as possible!

7. Delivery and Implementation:

The delivery and implementation stage involves the launch of the creative project, making sure it reaches the key stakeholders, through all the right channels. It's all about making a big impact and getting the best results possible!

To begin the delivery and implementation stage, follow these steps:

  1. Prepare the necessary files and assets for delivery, ensuring they are properly organized and formatted.

  2. Provide the final designs to the client through the agreed-upon method (email, cloud storage, etc.).

  3. If applicable, assist the client with the implementation of the designs.

Our top tips:

  • Zip everything into one file. Provide the client with all the assets they’ll need, like fonts, images, and icons. Use clear and consistent naming conventions for files and folders.

  • Over-communicate asset delivery. Send a confirmation email to the client explaining how you’ll deliver the assets. Remember to include a README file with instructions on how to access, implement, and use the files.

  • Follow-up after delivery. Be available for the client during agreed-upon times to provide support and guidance throughout the implementation process. Respond to any issues promptly.

  • Maintain an active Web MarkUp. Stay on top of issues the client has post-implementation, the stakeholders can leave a comment and you can be notified of any changes.

8. Project Closure and Feedback:

The project closure and feedback stage allows for a comprehensive evaluation of the project's success, capturing valuable feedback from both the client and the creative team, facilitating knowledge transfer, identifying areas for improvement, and ensuring client satisfaction and future collaboration opportunities.

To begin the project closure and feedback stage, follow these steps:

  1. Follow up with the stakeholders to ensure they received the final deliverables and are satisfied.

  2. Request feedback on the overall project experience and the quality of the deliverables.

  3. Address any final concerns or questions the key stakeholders may have.

Our top tips:

  • Ask targeted questions. When asking the client for their feedback, be specific. Emphasize that you value their feedback and are committed to making any necessary changes to ensure that the project is a complete success.

  • Set up a Folder for final revisions. Use a naming convention to indicate the high priority of these revisions. Then, assign tasks to team members to ensure that revisions are completed in a timely manner.

  • Keep revisions on Use the commenting feature to discuss specific areas of the project that need to be revised. Set deadlines for revisions to ensure they’re completed on time.

9. Archive and Documentation:

The archive and documentation stage involves organizing and storing project-related assets. This includes design files, documents, and any relevant information. The goal is to ensure easy access for future reference, knowledge sharing, and maintaining a well-documented record of the project's development for internal and external purposes.

To begin the archive and documentation stage, follow these steps:

  1. Organize and archive project files and relevant documentation for future reference.

  2. Make note of any lessons learned or insights gained during the project.

  3. Update your portfolio or showcase the completed project on your website or social media platforms.

  4. Update any Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) accordingly.

Our top tips:

  • Send out reporting metrics. Use our Zapier integration to summarise and export data from for Google Sheets within a MarkUp.

  • Clean up your Workspace. Double check your ‘Team’ tab and remove any Members or Guests who no longer require access. Rename old versions of the project to show they are complete to keep everything organized!

  • Create a knowledge base. Use Folders to categorize files by type, date, or project phase. Properly name files for easier searching and retrieval. Use comments and annotations to document insights and observations.

  • Showcase your portfolio via’s commenting feature. Comment on archived files highlighting the project's goals, challenges, and outcomes.

Now that you have your creative process and workflows sorted, it's time to take things to the next level! Feel free to explore some of our other 'Best Practices' articles filled with our favorite tips and tricks. Whether you're looking for innovative techniques, time-saving hacks, or industry secrets, our 'Best Practices' articles have got you covered.